Contact UsContact Veronica Daniels
Position Membership Manager
Address Surrey Circle Office Park 337 Surry Avenue Ferndale Johannesburg
Telephone 0861 333 427
Email info@fedhasa.co.za
Established in 1949 FEDHASA operates as a non-profit industry trade association, representing and maintaining the interests of South Africa’s hospitality industry role players. As the lobbying body for the S.A. hospitality industry, FEDHASA has been at the forefront of issues such as changes to the Visa and Immigration Regulations, the proposed National Liquor Policy, BBB-EE Tourism Charter Codes, and any other legislative matters that affect the hospitality sector. Whilst keeping members abreast of industry changes and trends through regular communiques and social media, FEDHASA frequently hosts events and workshops where members are updated on legislative changes, potential industry threats and policy implementations as well as other industry related matters. A unique benefit to FEDHASA is the Employer’s Body Registration providing all members with the right to representation at the CCMA. Incorporating properties that trade in eat, drink and sleep; FEDHASA represents the following member segments: Hotels, Small Accommodation, Restaurants, Industry Suppliers and Service Providers, Youth in Hospitality.