The crucial role of innovation in hospitality

By Dario de Angeli, Executive Chef and General Manager, Clico Boutique Hotel & SEC Restaurant


Innovation is the cornerstone of success in the restaurant industry, where staying ahead of trends and continually improving offerings is vital. Visionary Chef Dario de Angeli, renowned for his innovative culinary approach, shares insights drawn from years of experience in conceptualising and managing successful dining establishments, and now a boutique hotel. He explores the importance of maintaining a clear vision, encouraging creativity within your team, and embracing the challenges that come with pushing the boundaries of culinary and service excellence. Discover the strategies and mindsets that can help your restaurant not just survive, but truly thrive in a highly competitive market.


Innovation is not just a buzzword; it’s the quintessential DNA of any successful restaurant. Over the years, I’ve seen countless establishments rise and fall, and the common thread among those that endure is their relentless pursuit of improvement and differentiation. In a sector where consumer preferences shift rapidly and competition is fierce, the ability to innovate consistently is what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary.


The Power of Owning Your Vision: Crafting a Unique Dining Experience

The journey toward building something truly unique begins with a clear and unwavering vision. As a restaurateur, you must deeply understand the concept you want to bring to life. This isn’t a responsibility you can delegate; it’s your vision, and you need to be intimately involved in every aspect of its execution. Study your chosen style, know its intricacies, and be prepared to defend it against the inevitable outside influences that will try to sway you. Too often, I’ve seen concepts diluted because of a desire to appeal to the masses. But the truth is, there’s no value in copying what others are doing. Originality is where real success lies.


Being aware of trends — both locally and globally — allows you to gauge the market and strategically position your offerings. However, it’s important to resist the temptation to chase what’s popular at the expense of your identity. Staying true to your concept, even when it means taking the harder path, is key to establishing a brand that stands out.


The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection: Innovation as a Daily Habit

Innovation isn’t a one-time achievement; it’s a daily commitment. I’ve never believed in the idea of perfection. No dish, no dining room, and no service is ever perfect. The best restaurants are those that constantly question themselves, always seeking ways to elevate their offerings. Every day is an opportunity to refine, rethink, and reimagine what you do.

When I look back on the history of great restaurants, the most striking feature is their ability to evolve. Plating styles, ingredients, and even the atmosphere of a restaurant are in a constant state of flux, reflecting both the changing times and the continuous pursuit of excellence. This mindset is crucial for any restaurateur who aspires to create a lasting impact.


Embracing the Challenge: Turning Resistance into Opportunity

Introducing new ideas in a traditional industry like hospitality is never easy. People resist change, and that’s perhaps the toughest aspect of driving innovation. When you’re dedicated to a vision that isn’t mainstream, you must accept that your path will be challenging. Success doesn’t come overnight; it’s the result of years of perseverance. You’ll face pressure to conform, to revert to what’s familiar, especially when you see others thriving with conventional offerings. But the moment you compromise on your vision, you start losing what makes your establishment unique.


Cultivating Mavericks: Unlocking Creativity in Your Team

Innovation isn’t just about the ideas you come up with; it’s about actively creating a culture that encourages creativity and experimentation. Not everyone in your team will have a natural inclination toward innovation, but there will always be those who are eager to push boundaries. These are the individuals who will challenge the status quo, experiment with new techniques, and inspire others to do the same. Nurturing this creativity is vital, even if it means recognising that for every true innovator, there are many who will simply replicate.


Beyond the Plate: Discovering Inspiration in Unlikely Places

To remain relevant, it’s essential to stay informed about trends, not just within the hospitality sector but also in other industries. Sometimes, the most innovative ideas come from the most unexpected places. For instance, trends in the perfume industry or the world of design can provide inspiration for new culinary experiences. By looking beyond your immediate environment, you can discover new ways to enhance your offering and keep it fresh.


Balancing on the Edge: Risk-Taking and the Art of Letting Go

Taking risks is an inherent part of innovation. Over the years, I’ve pursued many ideas, driven by the belief that they would succeed. Some did, and others didn’t. The key lesson I’ve learned is that you need to recognise when something isn’t working and be willing to pivot or abandon the idea altogether. It’s a delicate balance between staying true to your vision and knowing when to cut your losses.


The True Measure of Success: What Really Keeps Diners Coming Back

Success in this industry isn’t solely measured by awards or rankings. While these can influence who walks through your door, the real measure of success is consistent customer engagement. A full dining room night after night is a sign that you’re doing something right. But don’t be complacent. Even minor fluctuations in business need to be monitored closely. If you see a sudden downturn, it may already be too late to recover.


Shaping the Future: How to Set, Not Just Follow, the Trends

Innovation in the restaurant industry is often about taking existing concepts and reimagining them in new ways. Just as Formula 1 teams develop technology that eventually trickles down to mainstream car manufacturing, innovative restaurants experiment with techniques and ideas that might one day influence the broader industry. By staying curious, open-minded, and committed to pushing the boundaries, you can ensure that your establishment not only keeps up with trends but sets them.


The ability to innovate consistently is what defines success in the hospitality industry. It requires a steadfast commitment to your vision, a willingness to take risks, and a relentless pursuit of improvement. Those who dare to innovate will lead the way, shaping the future of dining and creating experiences that resonate with guests long after the meal is over.


Author Bio:

Dario de Angeli is a celebrated culinary artist renowned for his innovative and unforgettable dining experiences at acclaimed restaurants such as Cube Kitchen and Est Est Alea; and now at Clico Boutique Hotel and SEC Restaurant. With over 30 years of extensive experience in the hotel, restaurant, and hospitality industry, both locally and internationally, Dario has honed his craft across diverse settings — from deserts to 5-star establishments — and contributed to the development of numerous successful brands. His expertise extends beyond the kitchen; he has served as a judge for prestigious awards, including Eat Out Magazine and San Pellegrino’s Top 50 Restaurants. A true globetrotter, Dario has travelled to 67 countries, bringing a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to his culinary endeavours.